So this is Christmas – choices – of Love or fear

So this is Christmas Old (fear) and new or well “ancient” (love – the unconditional kind :)) when everything is taken into account !

It’s Christmas eve again – 24th December 2017 – and the old 3D Xmas neurosis is reaching its yearly climax. For someone who has stepped out, and away from all of that mess and on to excellent health, wealth, joy and abundance (me). I have to say that I feel blessed that my partner feels the same, and that we now merely watch it all from as big a distance as possible.

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Question is: Are you HAPPY ?


I would like to share some observations, that might interest you.

We went for a wander into Bridgnorth yesterday, great walk.

We park by the river to get the best parts of the quaint little town in while climbing the hill to high town.

On our way up, I made the “joking” remark of: “ Seems there is amass escape from Bridgnorth going on.”

The remark made to what seemed like an unusually large crowd of people coming down the hill and away from town, all looking a bit worse for wear so to speak, or rivalling “grumpy cat” on the looks front. A couple of men did smile while their eyes seemed to longingly say “I wish this was over” ;).

So there we were, and got to the top “OOOOOO mama”, all I can say is: The xmas neurosis with the madness of buying and consuming, is in full blossom there, as everywhere else we have “gingerly” ventured the last couple of weeks.

The consumption of fluff, tat, cr**, s*** (hmm) or, well, you know, the general nonsense, as well as the “highly addictive drug” of “white refined sugar” is extreme in every way. All the “cheep” stuff.

However is it really “cheap”, stuff that mostly never gets looked at past the unwrapping, and even ends up in the bin?

White refined sugar, now that its “cheap”, well for the “food industry”, as it aids and promotes its excessive industrial use tremendously. Its addictiveness is why it is being so terribly over used.

White refined sugar is in pretty much everything from your pain meds to your sweeties, as well as you “diet” products.

Not just is white refined sugar “cheap” in all its fancy labels and disguises.

Its production method is similar to that of “crack cocaine”,which helps make it one of the most addictive ingredients of “processed” foods out there.

Are you Healthy ?

Refined white sugar is not just highly addictive, but also extremely damaging to our bodies – but we’ll get to that later 😉 with the solutions. I much prefer those.

I prefer good honourable and easy solutions, as taking our power back, always turn out for the better, and makes everything easier. Also good solutions make our lives more amazing.

Often the simplicity of truly effective and lasting solutions, are more amazing than we could ever have imagined. With more profound blessings than mere “hopes” could ever have held.

The above touched very briefly on why after 30+ years of in depth research and study of scientific as well as ancient sacred texts, we have come up with the most advanced and deeply healing solutions, and created “Holistically Happy Solutions™”.

Holistically Happy Solutions is what changed my life, finally fixed the “broken”. bits, and its sprinkling lavishly blessings where I had thought there was never ever even a slight hope, and I am loving now sharing all that with the world, with everyone who wants to know :).

One of the core things we wish to share with everyone is that: “IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT”.

Its not your fault, if you feel addicted and can not “control your cravings”. There are lies and deceit around some of our most basic of products: Processed foods and more versions of white refined sugars than you can imagine is very high on the list of why that is.

The supposed solutions, out there on lets say weight loss: The cardboard foods and drinks like “slime slushie shakes”, which from memory tastes a bit “cardboardy” too with sandy textures and fake flavours.

Put this along with “mainstream” worldwide “diet” “clubs” which are as focused on keeping addictions high, as every other part of the “processed food industry”, all geared up, so that folks keep coming back for more.

A trap I was myself hooked into for most of my life, first through taught behaviour, from parent and siblings. I was not big, but was taken to weight watchers weekly by the time I was 8.

Weight – wait is a very deep and sick programme in today’s society, a world wide game of “fishing and releasing” in the circles of the “hamster wheel” the programming allows for.

Well for me because nothing worked more than 20+ years ago now, I studied and got myself a Diploma in Nutrition.

Which I thought would be the answer, give the solutions, and “free” me.

It was however a diploma that followed mainstream medical rules, the rules of “statistics”, “ideas” and “theories” that they/it considered to be the “only” and the “scientific” way.

The way of mainstream NHS / modern medical/chemical, blinkered and one track ways. None of which, however diligently I followed them, worked for me.

Eventually I, we with my partner’s help, chucked out all the old rules. We then applied a combination of ancient sacred knowledge with all the real and the very latest of science from honourable scientists.

Avoiding all of the supposed scientific information from the ones that are bought and paid for by the “industries”.

It is essential to regain real health and well being to avoid all those that are bought and paid for by the industries they “pimp” for.

Once you find the right and the honest, the true information out there, everything starts to function/ work well, and really: Life, food, joy, bliss, even weight loss – and keeping a balanced healthy weight is much much easier than anyone ever had you believe, and so is about taking your health back.

All part of taking your power back!

So what’s all this got to do with the Xmas neurosis?

Well, the Xmas neurosis and over consumption, also includes eating loads of stuff, that in these mere few days, is again going to make most people that have over indulged, sit back with the same questions as the year before, and the year before that: “What’s the point”? (So much stress/ for a blip – and then its over!)

Wondering: WTF, why have I been in a mad rush, in an insane “have to have enough mode”, that leaves them exhausted, bloated, hungover and feeling: well lets be brutally honest here “completely shitty” and relieved when the whole thing is over.

While feeling “shitty” and wondering about this, far to many do not even take a breather, before delving into the neurosis of neurosis’s: The xmas and new years “sales”, to make themselves “feel better”.

Sales that are as fake, as the processed stuff that is labelled as food

Thinking thank G— that’s over, while regretting their own choice of “excessive stuffing and “fire” watering”, not to mention spending and over extended credit cards.

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Which brings on the annual considerations of the “New Years Resolutions”, really good intentions, that are made at the hight of the awareness of everything  that is “not wanted”, pain, suffering, heaviness, sadness, depression.


New years resolutions that is mostly made from a space of desperately wanting to FEEL BETTER !

So I say again: It is not your fault

Why its not your fault 🙂 lies and deception that has you believing that you have no power to truly change anything.

Now this is where universal LAW kicks in:

Not choosing to use your own power, is not just choosing not to use it, but much worse: It is choosing to give it away to those that lie and manipulate.

Giving your power away has a hefty price, but we’ll get to that next time;)

Wishing you Peace

In Love and Grace


So, just one more question:

What is true wealth to you ?

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