Choices and how they effect us in an energetially changing world

The beauty and Magical scent of drying rose petals through the house today, all on the therapy couch again. Love going in to the healing room and tossing them to help the drying, the scent is heavenly ॐ ♡∞ I needed an extra few tosses just, as I just witnesses a hateful conversation, no fear filled, fueled by mainstream media, anger and resentment of people with another reflection so to speak, and other ideas, yes colour and religion. The ignorance that I head was was beyond horrific, no real solid and true study or information to enlighten themselves at all .. just fearful anger and misplaced hatred of the normal propaganda.
I attempted to input a little truth, real historical facts, but it got me just ignored and looked at like I was the one who had no idea … Hmm ..
I heard the Angels say Shhhh child Ignorance to these are bliss.
Then there is the knowing, that’s mostly made for deep sadness in my life, but no longer does that, thankfully. Today this knowing of what is to come, and my conversations with Spirit, had only a feeling of me being totally neutral with them. For the very first time I just say Thank you for showing me what and why cancer really is persistent in some people and why and how they fuel it. Also I saw around the other person emerging cancer, and also that is in no way my responsibility to clear.
Seeing this dark energy, darker clouds within someone aura is that which has most of my life had me turning myself inside out in attempts and considerations of how I can help these people heal, and mostly got myself blasted by hatred and anger and their fear in the process.
Today I was show this as a clear and beyond obvious answer to why it is that I can not help everyone, even when they ask for help, and why those that ask for help choose not to come and get that help to heal themselves. They simply have far more invested in their fear, anger and resentments, the fuels of hatred than they have in love and compassion.
That too is choice.
This might sound harsh to some of you, but for the first time I have no pain or sadness in seeing that two people, one dying form cancer treatments, painfully and torturous, and the other one building cancer within, I saw she’d know in about 2 years, and then be on the same shitty track as the first.
All the darkened energy is internalised, no longer free flowing around them before it goes inside and causes illness, before I could clear it without them knowing, That is a major change ! A MAJOR CHANGE !
As mother Earth is Ascending, her energies raising, enhancing Love and Compassion, all the spiritual laws of nature is enhancing too.
The law of freedom, of free will, is the law of complete personal responsibility too, it is one and the same.
From what I just witnessed, all I can say is that Love and Compassion is the ONLY way.
Our thoughts are extremely powerful, and we should use them only for creating good. Because it is creating our own health, our own wealth and our own happiness.
Standing by these two women earlier, listening and attempting some reason and words of the necessity of compassion, real truth, honour and integrity as well as taking responsibility or our own messes.
The clarity in what I was shown, their energies churning together in unison, feeding each others resentments and horror, in a kinda righteousness, that had them both join forces and reject all avenues of unconditional love and compassion
As with the raising of the energies in our planet, and in ourselves, those of us that choose to live love and compassion. Trying to help someone who does not want to help themselves and who chooses fear is no longer and option. From what I just witnessed, those choices, will only churn within, and keep darkening until they they leave this planet, which with all their own chosen dark energies just recycling around themselves, and between same energy beings. When they are saturated, they will leave for home, and only then will they have to face the healing and detaching from their egos, as there really is no way to go home that to come eye to eye with our own soul.
The Angels and Guardians have wanted me to write much more about his kind of thing for some time now, I’ve always felt it was a little harsh, but today I realised the imminence importance of such information given with total integrity and honour in truth and love only.
I also realise finally completely and fully that my job is no loner to clear energy debris that is not mine, or is not form some who is specifically asking for my help to do so around them or their home and that are also doing their 50% of the healing from within ॐ ♡∞
That is a real biggie for me to let go ❤ & I am most Grateful to Source and the Angels for orchestrating such a blessing today.
We are here to hold LOVE and COMPASSION. We, are the CHANGE. We are not here are garbage collectors and cleaners any more, and that bit is what is making healers ill .. SO let GO ..give UP and let SOURCE and Mother EARTH do what must be done for LOVE and COMPASSION again to flourish in the Physical world.
A pure Heart, knows truth and lives love.
Always much LOVE ॐ ♡∞

3 thoughts on “Choices and how they effect us in an energetially changing world

  1. Learning to detach from those with negative trends is not harsh.. It is sometimes the only way we survive as our own sensitivity can impede our growth, as those who latch on suck from us our own energies.. We carry much that is not our own.. And it took me a while to understand this..

    Love and Blessings to you Marianne.
    Sue ❤

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    1. So beautifully true Sue ❤ I seem to have seen this over and over the last 2 years but in deeper and deeper ways .. today was it felt like the scraping of the bottom of the barrel .. those few things I gave grace for so to speak … but let to close 🙂 Thank you for you ..Blessings & much Love to you too ❤

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